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About Wheatgrass
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About Wheatgrass


We dug deep to uncover some of the most interesting (we think!) facts about wheatgrass:

Nicknamed “liquid gold,” 2 oz of Wheatgrass juice is comparable to consuming 5 lbs. of fresh vegetables.
Wheatgrass is superior to other green plants because it has more than 100 elements needed by humans.
Known to improve digestion, wheatgrass only takes one minute to digest.
Wheatgrass contains 103 essential vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed.
Wheatgrass is high in vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the complete B complex, including B17.
Wheatgrass contains a complete protein, composed of all essential amino acids, which work to increase energy levels.
Wheatgrass contains a potent antioxidant which reduces inflammation and slows the aging process.
70% chlorophyll content oxygenates and purifies the blood, regulates blood sugar levels, boosts immune response and allows the body to heal itself. Wheatgrass also has a strong alkalizing and detoxifying effect on the body.
Wheatgrass activates the metabolism, digestion and the body's enzyme system, helping the body reach an optimal weight.
Most often, wheatgrass is found as juice but powder supplements are also available and can be mixed into juices, smoothies or water. The best time-saving supplements are from freeze-dried organic wheatgrass juice powder.
The best time to have wheatgrass juice is on an empty stomach and one hour before eating so that all the beneficial nutrients are completely available to the body for absorption.
Growing wheatgrass at home is easy from seeds or whole grain wheat berries, by hand or with a sprouting kit. Perfect for having wheatgrass on hand for smoothies at all times!
Even though the word “wheat” is in its name, wheatgrass is gluten-free.
Depending on how toxic your body is, wheatgrass juice can cause headaches or increased bowel movements as the body detoxifies. Otherwise, expect lots of energy as the only side effect.